Fusce lacinia, erat a viverra pulvinar, justo lacus eleifend velit, vitae varius tortor diam a tellus viverra pulvinar.


Climb up high at the Roche-aux-Faucons

A viewpoint listed as ‘exceptional heritage of Wallonia’ since 1947. This is a panorama that’s worth a detour, don’t you think? More than just a detour, the Roche-aux-Faucons will take your breath away with its beauty!

Nestled in the heart of Neaupré municipality, nature lovers will adore one of the most beautiful panoramas in Belgium: the Roche-aux-Faucons culminates at around 230 metres high, giving you a view from a good height. The spectacle before you is magnificent. Perched on this limestone cliff, you’ll see the river running several hundred metres below, at this precise point skirting the Ham plateau, which extends from Esneux to Hony. The result is a splendid loop outlining the landscape.

Multiple hikes

In the distance, you can also make out the terraces of the Ourthe. And the falcons? It’s true, they have their role to play in this story because the Roche-aux-Faucons is named after them. For centuries, the location was a high nesting place for peregrine falcons, which unfortunately disappeared in the last century. But the spectacle is no less impressive. To reach this location, put on your walking shoes and set off on one of the many routes that take you to this site, revealing the interesting nooks in the region. And good news: most of these paths are accessible for pushchairs and dogs are permitted.

Copyright pictures: Visit Ardenne

Let yourself be captivated by the charm of Freÿr Castle

Do you love spectacular palaces and gardens with exceptional charm? It’s time you went to Hastière to admire the Freÿr-sur-Meuse Castle, listed as exceptional heritage of Wallonia. It’ll be love at first sight!

Bordered by the Meuse river, the impressive Freÿr Castle is comfortably nestled at the heart of rolling hills. Initially a fortified castle, it was destroyed in 1554 to then be rebuilt as a Renaissance-style manor. Its allure changed over the 17th and 18th centuries as it was expanded. It's clear that when you reach Freÿr Castle, you can only be impressed by this huge set of buildings surrounded by a countryside that is just as abundant. In addition to its proud allure, its refined, classical interior also deserves appreciation. The rooms reveal furniture and décor acquired over time by the twenty generations that have occupied the premises.

A sumptuous setting

Beyond the castle itself, there are also ‘French-style’ gardens inspired by the famous gardener Le Nôtre which draw everyone’s attention. Elegant and serene, they have been listed as exceptional Park & Garden heritage in Wallonia. Get lost in its giant maze grown from 30,000 m2 of bower hedge or stroll along its dozens of two-hundred-year-old orange trees and nine pools and don’t hesitate to take a look at its romantic pavilion decorated by the Moretti brothers. And if after this 100% relaxing visit, you want to let off some steam, Freÿr is also renowned for its climbing sites!

Copyright photos: Ardennes-étape / Visit Ardenne / Visit Wallonia

A cave that is... Marvellous

Discovered in 1904, the Dinant cave, known as ‘la Merveilleuse’, is considered to be one of the most beautiful caves in Europe. Shaped by nature and time, it unveils a spectacle of stalactites, stalagmites and waterfalls.

Revealed when digging a trench for the country railway linking Dinant to Florennes, it has since been the pride of the region. With its monumental galleries, water that trickles and jumps along the rock, elegant white concretions, stalactites, stalagmites, draperies and waterfalls, the ‘Grotte Merveilleuse/Marvellous Cave’ is a very apposite name!

A world of mysteries

And it has many names its bowels: Chamber of Teats, Boers, Small Columns, Waterfalls and Lace, Diane’s Temple, the Precipice, the Glacier, the Rotunda, or even the Great Chamber with its oblique stalactite and Gallery Albert I, a mysterious well where underground water is hidden. When you visit, the ground climbs and descends, because the cave has several hundred steps. There are three levels and quite low ceilings, so sometimes you have to bend down. It’s a small physical effort that’s really worth it because you can easily combine it with another activity in the region: a Dinant-Freÿr cruise, a kayak trip on the Lesse and much more!

Copyright pictures: Visit Wallonia

La Roche à L'Appel, a magnificent viewpoint in the heart of the Ardennes forest!

In the heart of the Muno forest, in the Gaume region, lies an incredible nature reserve, which is home to a rather exceptional geological curiosity...

If you're looking for La Roche à L'Appel, you'll have to go to the edge of Lorraine, just a stone's throw from the French border. Here, in the heart of an immense forest range that stretches from Martelange (in Belgium) to Sedan (in France), a pile of enormous rocks has been built up over time, reaching a height of 360 metres. From the top, the view of the Ardennes forest is simply breathtaking! A sumptuous panorama where you can rest, take great photos and enjoy the nature all around you. In addition to its remarkable geological interest, the area is also extremely rich in biodiversity.

On the trail of the Forest Guardians

Walking along streams on the 2km forest footpaths to the Roche à l'Appel, you’ll see oak trees, beech trees and conifers. An immersive experience in a soothing natural setting where the only sounds you’ll hear are the chirping of birds or the rustling of surrounding fauna... And to make the walk even more magical if you are with children, "Luna and the Forest Guardians", an interactive game you can download, invites you to solve an investigation in the company of a fairy and a squirrel monk! Tempted by the adventure? There’s ample parking at the start of the walk and picnic tables available for use.

Copyright photos : Visit Gaume / Charlie & Billie 2022

Go on an Underground Adventure at the Neptune Caves

In a unique and unspoilt natural setting in Couvin are the Neptune Caves, where you’ll be plunged into the depths of rock hundreds of millions of years old.

Are you fascinated by the underground world? Or are you just keen to experience something new? Either way, you’re in luck, as there’s incredible scenery waiting for you here: for 45 minutes, you’ll be immersed in a spectacular underground world, shaped by nature on all sides. A work of art sculpted by the passing of time, revealed to you with each twist and turn of its underground passages over the course of your visit, which will be rounded off by a splendid sound and light show on an underground river!

A Site With Plenty to Discover

Mind reeling with astonishment as you leave the caves? You wouldn’t be the only one! Eager for more? Then set off to explore the paths around this Natura 2000 protected area on the lookout for the typical species of this special slice of nature. To guide you, there are illustrated information panels along the path outside the caves. A great opportunity to find out more about the four themes covered: ‘Where does our limestone come from?’, ‘The river l’Eau Noire (literally “The Black Water”) and the karstic phenomena,’ ‘Fauna and flora to protect’ and ‘The Caves, an environment conducive to life?’. A fun and fascinating day for all the family!

Copyright pictures: Visit Wallonia 

Soak up pure happiness at the Eau d’Heure Lakes

With its dam, 5 artificial lakes, forests and meadows, this vast natural domain is a unique preserved site and major tourist destination that offers a host of activities and facilities. An absolute must!

Are you ready to be amazed? Looking for a real breath of fresh air and nature? You’re in the right place. The lakes are a spectacular environment. An incredibly beautiful landscape, which seen from above will leave you speechless. In addition to its 5 artificial lakes (including the famous Plate Taille Lake), the site’s major attraction is without a doubt its dam, the largest in Belgium seen from inside. Furthermore, its (very instructive) tour will take you from its bowels to the top of its tower (107 metres!) with a 360° view across the whole Eau d’Heure lakes region. Add to this stunning panoramic view a very impressive glass floor (not for the fainthearted) and it will take your breath away!

All kinds of activities

Here, everything has been planned to entertain and relax you, for an unforgettable experience. Furthermore, you’ll find it hard to choose between so many appealing activities! Judge for yourselves: A bike ride around the lakes on the RAVeL trail. Discovering the lake in an Amphibus. Riding on the little tourist train. Exploring the surrounding countryside. Adventuring through the trees on mountain bikes. Diving into the tropical atmosphere of the Water Park. Relaxing in the Wellness Centre. Having fun in the different playgrounds. Trying your hand at sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, paddle boarding, jet skiing, water skiing, diving, golf… Feeling giddy? Do you want more? You’ll have to come!

Copyright pictures: Visit Wallonia