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How can I make changes to my booking?

Contact Ardennes-Etape for any change requests concerning your stay.

Here are the changes you can request for your booking:  

  1. Guests.
    You can change the number of people as long as you respect the maximum capacity of the cottage (which is indicated in the description of each holiday home).
    You can also change the number of pets, as long as you respect the limits indicated in the description of the cottage.  
  2. Length of stay.  
    Subject to availability, you can extend your stay (ex: book a full week instead of a half week). On the other hand, changing the dates or reducing the length of a stay is not possible.  
  3. Insurance.
    Cancellation insurance can only be added at the time of booking.  

I want to change my booking 

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From Monday to Thursday:
9 AM – 5 PM
On Friday: 9 AM – 7 PM
On Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM
On Sunday: 10 AM – 1 PM

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Our agents are available from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM.